Monday, January 26, 2009

Forex Trading and Forex Robot Site Review - A Scam?

Top 5 Forex Robot Site

#1 - FapTurbo

#2 - ForexAutopilot

#3 - ForexBoomerang

#4 - Forex Killer

#5 - ForexAmbush

1 comment:

  1. Its normal to win and lose when investing. But its heart breaking when you know you have been cheated. I was caught up in a scam with a scam broker last year that cost me BTC. This guys came up with a fake story of being hacked when it was actually an insider affair. Luckily i was able to track and recover my funds thanks to fightingscams at AOL dot com. I strongly recommend them to other victims going thru similar situations. Together we can uncover the truth and save millions of other people.
